If there’s ever a time that you need a cool, refreshing drink, it’s on tax day. This year, tax day also happens to fall on a Monday, which gives you a second reason to mix up a drink. Below are three tasty tax-day drinks to mix up after work today to alleviate your stress. With both taxes and Monday out of the way, things can only get better!
The Tax Man:
Half fill a highball class with ice cubes
In a cocktail shaker with ice mix the following:
1/2 measure amaretto
1/2 measure Blue Curacao
1 measure dry white wine
2 measures pineapple juice
Pour over ice and enjoy!
(Recipe courtesy of magpiepaperworks.com)
The Standard Deduction:
1 oz. Lucid Absinthe
1 oz. coffee liqueur
1 oz. creme liqueur
Combine ingredients in a rocks glass with ice and enjoy!
(Recipe courtesy of gigglesgobbles&gulps.com)
The Tax-a-tini:
1 1/2 oz. Sobieski Vodka
1/2 oz. orange liqueur
3/4 oz freshly-squeezed lime juice
1 tsp. superfine sugar
twisted lemon peel for garnish
Add ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake and serve in a chilled martini glass with a sugar-lined rim, garnish with lemon peel. Serve and enjoy!
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